Cible Rh Emploi company weekend, Bana February 2023

Cible RH Emploi’s strategic weekend in February 2023 in BANA, western Cameroon, was an enriching experience for employees and management alike. The event brought all employees together to discuss the company’s objectives and strategies for the year ahead.

Over the course of the weekend, employees had the opportunity to take part in training and professional development workshops, enhancing their skills and expertise in their respective fields. Exchanges between different departments have also fostered a better understanding of the company’s challenges and closer collaboration between teams.

For management, the event was an effective way of communicating the company’s objectives and strategies for the year ahead. The discussions provided an opportunity to gather ideas and suggestions from employees, which contributed to the development of a more effective action plan for the company.

All in all, Cible RH Emploi’s strategic weekend in February 2023 at BANA has been beneficial for both employees and company management. It has strengthened employees’ skills, fostered collaboration between teams, and developed an effective action plan for the year ahead.

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